Come flourish at Women’s Exchange
Classes and Workshops are listed under PROGRAM TAB or scroll to the bottom of the page to click on images.
Here, in room #102 in the Community House in Winnetka and by Zoom, you will find an inspiring, welcoming space for women to learn new things for themselves and authentically connect with others.
Women’s Exchange, is a unique community of women committed to growth and authentic connecting; be it through book discussions, building one’s financial skills, looking at life’s education, learning about health and wellness, writing together, creating together, walking together, learning and discerning for one’s self, moving through transitions or simply making a change with a new thought or idea. Each year, for over four decades, Women’s Exchange creates and hosts nearly 100 workshops, classes and special events; all where conversation matters.
Do join in. Women’s Exchange is truly a friendly and welcoming place to be.
Women’s Exchange NFP hosts women from diverse life experiences, from over 50 zip codes and beyond.
Classes and workshops are hosted in-person, hybrid and by Zoom.

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